The Last Of Us Season 1 Fucking Ruled And I Am As Excited As I Am Terrified For Season 2, Which Will Have More Clickers, More Sadness, And Will NOT Be The Final Season

As you can tell from the two handsome fellas above, The Last Of Us Season 1 finale was last night. Klemmer did a great job recapping the episode like he did every episode from the series. But I wanted to write out some thoughts I had about the show in a thinly-veiled ploy to get people to watch my podcast. Whoops, I don't think I was supposed to say the second part of that sentence out loud!

Anyway, here are a few quick thoughts from the finale and the overall first season:

- I absolutely LOVED Season 1 despite it essentially breaking my heart, ripping my guts out, and shitting on my soul every week. I automatically think every show that gets the 9 PM ET slot on HBO is going to be a classic just because of how many great shows lived there. But I have seen enough flops there to know it's not always the case. 

However The Last Of Us lived up to the time slot and will definitely be in my Top 3 favorite shows of the year. Granted that is coming from an Old that barely has time to watch TV shows due to kids, sports, and crippling exhaustion. But I stand by it and give The Last Of Us Season 1 a 4.4 Balls rating.

- My biggest knocks on the season were that there weren't enough infected for my liking (despite being a pussy that turns the volume down during potentially scary scenes) and the mall episode dragged. But I couldn't get enough of the show once it started and cannot WAIT for Season 2, which sounds like will give us plenty of clickers, bloaters, and whatever twisted undead shit the sick fuck writers at Naughty Dog created when they made this game.

- Not only are we getting more infected, but we are getting even more heartbreak!

Giphy Images.

Yup, I'm definitely not ready for Season 2, which it sounds like will not be the final season.

For the record, Robbie and I broke that on the podcast last night. Sure it was based on absolutely nothing other than figuring it would be tough to wrap up the second game in another season based on what people that played the game said about it. But I'm still chalking that up as a W for the Basement Boyz.

Giphy Images.

Again, I have never played any of the games, but it sounds like the sequel isn't nearly as beloved as the original, which is concerning. But I also love some of the directions they took the show apart from the first game. So I'm blindly trusting the show runners with my heart, no matter how many times they wipe their ass with it.

- Pedro Pascal is officially Joel to me over any other character he has played. I love him in Mando, but I honestly forget who is under the helmet half the time since he's only taken the helmet off a couple of times for Sweet Baby Yo. Oberyn was easily one of the coolest TV characters I've ever seen, but we didn't spend all that much time with him on Thrones. I never watched Narcos but it sounds like he crushes his role there. 

- Speaking of Thrones, Bella Ramsey somehow surpassed my expectations for Ellie despite playing the role of Lady Mormont in Thrones, who is one of my favorite characters ever.

- Every time I hear the words "Baby girl" for the rest of my life, I will become a puddle of emotions.

- I am officially #done with birthing scenes on HBO after having like 5 of them in House of the Dragon along with last night's horror show.

- I think I am okay with Joel rescuing Ellie and leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake despite the fact it may have doomed the remnants of humanity. Marlene was right for wanting to save her species, but the way she went about capturing Ellie then operating on her without knowing she was essentially ripping out her brain was wrong. 

Joel wanting to rescue his replacement daughter was completely understandable even if it fucked over mankind. You know why? My guy Ian McArdle said it best on last night's My Mom's Basement (which you can watch here).

Chalk one up for Barstool commenters!

- My bigger issue is Joel swearing to Ellie that his Fireflies story was true. I'm a big honor guy, whether it's swearing on something or making good on a bet you made. 

I'm also a big Joel guy so I'm gonna spinzone that he technically never swore on anything, so he's fine. If Joel swore on Sarah, Tess, or Ellie, I'd be out. Same for if he made a pinkie promise. You can't lie if you do any of those things beforehand.

- Piggybacking off of that, I don't consider any pinkie promise real unless you kiss it. I don't know why that's the case, but those were the rules of pinkie promises when I was a kid and still are the rules today. Robbie and I argued about it for a while on the podcast along with if it should go "Rock, Paper, Scissor, SHOOT" or "Rock, Paper, Scissor Says Shoot". 

We also somehow got on a board game tangent, which led to me dropping truth bombs on a bunch of unsuspecting brains.

Again, you can listen to all this very relatable banter here:

- I don't care how neatly they wrapped up the season last night. I still think there's a chance there's a secret episode coming because it would get even more people talking, 10 is a nice even number, and Succession's final season doesn't debut for two weeks.

- I also know for a fact I'm an idiot that has been begging for secret episodes ever since Wandavision because I'm just a 90s kid that misses bonus secret tracks on CDs back in the day.

- We went live for last night's My Mom's Basement and I think we may have to do it again because the chat was awesome in helping us fill in the gaps as non game players, not to mention Nick Hammy Da Gawd creating awesome Nick Hammy shit like he always does.

- I think that's about all the thoughts I have in my dumb brain about the season that I didn't mention on last night's podcast, which once again you can watch below or listen to on your favorite app if you are interested or just want to keep the basement lights on.

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